The Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce today announced a second round of candidate endorsements for the 2018 general election, as well as its endorsement of the Kanawha County Public Library levy.

The Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce endorses candidates who:

  • display leadership to move West Virginia and its citizens forward;
  • advocate policies that create good paying jobs for our region and state;
  • strive to improve the quality of life for our citizens;
  • support the consolidation of government services, and metro-government;
  • deliver responsible tax reduction when fiscally prudent; and
  • work to keep our hard-working and educated youth in West Virginia.

“By endorsing a candidate, the Charleston Chamber believes that he or she will be a strong and effective partner on policies to advance Kanawha County and West Virginia. It does not mean that we agree with or endorse every position held by the candidate,” said Chamber President Matthew Ballard. “We will pursue constructive dialogue with all candidates – those we endorsed and those who did not receive our endorsement in this election – on meaningful solutions to the challenges facing our region and state.”

Please find the candidates below who are endorsed by the Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce in the 2018 general election for the U.S. Senate and West Virginia House of Delegates.

U.S. Senate

Joe Manchin (D)

WV House 35th District

Moore Capito (R), Charlotte Lane (R), Eric Nelson (R)

WV House 36th District

Andrew Robinson (D)

WV House 37th District

Mike Pushkin (D)

WV House 39th District

Dana Ferrell (I)

In addition, the Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce has endorsed the library levy, which would continue funding for 40 percent of the Kanawha County Public Library system’s operating budget.



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