USFlagThe Charleston Regional Chamber of Commerce endorses the following for Tuesday’s Primary Election:

Safety Levy
Vote “FOR” the Safety Levy

U.S. Senate
Shelley Moore Capito (R)
Natalie Tennant (D)

US Congress 2nd Congressional District
Nick Casey (D)
Ron Walters Jr. (R)

WV Senate 8th District
Erik Wells (D)

WV Senate 17th District
Doug Skaff Jr. (D)

WV House of Delegates 35th District
Andrew Byrd (D)
Bret Nida (D)
John McCuskey (R)
Eric Nelson (R)
Chris Stansbury (R)

WV House of Delegates 36th District
Mark Hunt (D)

WV House of Delegates 37th District
Mike Pushkin (D)

WV House of Delegates 38th District
Patrick Lane (R)

WV House of Delegates 39th District
Ron Walters (R)

WV House of Delegates 40th District
Tim Armstead (R)

Kanawha County Board of Education
Ryan White

The Chamber interviewed candidates for the Board of Education and believes there are   several credible candidates on the ballot. We encourage our membership to explore those candidates.

In making this endorsement, the Chamber intends to distinguish Ryan White as a candidate who would bring community leadership experience with Generation Charleston, a background in law, public policy and small business management, and a track record of advocacy on regional and state education issues to the Board.

In making its legislative endorsements, the Charleston Chamber invited candidates to complete questionnaires and share their views on a range of business, economic and community development issues.

“By endorsing a candidate, the Charleston Chamber believes that he or she will be a strong and effective partner on policies to advance Kanawha County and West Virginia. It does not mean that we agree with or endorse every position held by the candidate,” explained Chamber President Matt Ballard.

“We will pursue constructive dialogue with all candidates — those we endorsed and those who did not receive our endorsement in this particular election — on meaningful solutions to the challenges facing our region and state.”


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